Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Beauty of Forgiveness-Essay

The Beauty of Forgiveness

Life is short. In fact, life is TOO short. We spend our lives holding on to so much and for what reason?? Everyday people are going through horrible, unfathomable situations. These experiences are way beyond what we experience in everyday life here in America and the fact that certain individuals can turn a wicked scenario into something that they can forgive is absolutely amazing. There should be more examples of this human clemency and we should follow the humbleness these people. Naysayers may say that forgiveness is a sign of weakness and/or that someone needs to be held accountable but from a state of being healthy as well the aspect of mind over matter, forgiveness really means so much more that that.
First and foremost, forgiveness is a wonderful tool in self-healing. The importance of being healthy is a given and it’s extremely valuable to one’s wellness. You can live longer, happier and avoid sickness and disease as much as possible. According to the World health Association, being healthy means “a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity." (WHO) “. If you are stuck in a condition of un-forgiveness, you are holding onto a state of anger, resentment, hatefulness, hostility, bitterness, rage and so on and this negative mental state does nothing positive for the body. From the general risks of high blood pressure, risks of drug and alcohol abuse, depression and so on, we can believe that holding on to these negative emotions is not conducive to one’s health. As a professional massage therapist, I see so many individuals holding on to states of utter unhappiness and un-forgiveness. My belief, as well as many others practicing in the felid, believe that knots are blocks of “pain, anger and frustration” (KNOTS).  This is the physical manifestation of what the mind can do to our physical bodies. No one likes walking around with a ton of bricks on their back. You’re like a walking, talking, cranky version of yourself. Imagine being free of that. Letting go and forgiving will help your body ‘release’ the pain mentally and physically. You would be one step closer to being a healthy, prettier, happier version of yourself.
Now, I’m not going to declare that you should forgive anybody and everybody. Contrary to what I am saying so far, sometimes forgiveness should come with limits. You never want a mean, cruel and manipulative person to try and take advantage of you. It’s best to be smart about how to proceed with each individual. You should use your common sense or even your lifelines like friends, family and coworkers to help you with sticky situations. Plus, as I’ve mentioned before, accountability is extremely important. If someone is committing unspeakable, cruel, illegal, harmful acts, you should not let that slide so easily. Hopefully, the situation has been resolved and you can work on forgiveness from there. If it never gets resolved, it’s wise to make the best of the situation and work on your forgiveness or else you’ll be building the “anger knots” slowly but surely.
Moving on, how one reaches a state of forgiveness is up to the individual. It’s a commitment and it’s definitely not going to be easy. It’s going to take strength, courage, and love.   I love the words and wisdom that the Mayo clinic has advised for individuals to try. For example they suggest that “When you're ready, actively choose to forgive the person who's offended you”. They have also suggested that you “move away from your role as victim and release the control and power the offending person and situation have had in your life” (MAYO). I believe it’s helpful to remember the people who have forgiven YOU when you have wronged THEM. Having compassion and understanding will open your mind and body and free itself of pain, anger and whatever you’re holding on to. Or perhaps you should try recollecting such individuals like Eva Kor, an actual Holocaust survivor, who forgave the Nazi’s for such horrible acts they did while “researching” she and her twin sister. If this woman who has seen and experienced the most appalling things you can imagine can  forgive the people who were responsible for these acts, I believe smaller, more trivial things would be a piece of cake in comparison.
To sum up, life is way too short to live it as an unhappy, in pain, holding on to grudges type of individual. If you learn to forgive, you may improve the quality of your life. You might experience a sense of compassion and a sense of freedom from the burdens of all the negative emotions associated with not wanting to forgive. As long as you stay smart and sharp while not letting others think you’re too weak, you could be on the wonderful road to happiness. It’s worth a shot, don’t you think? You’re body and people like me who come in contact with you on an everyday basis, will thank you. 

Journal 8, hey it's not too late (to like writing...)

Hmm you want thoughts and opinions and also feedback?? ok I can do that for my last journal :)
The Beginning:
The first moment of when I decided to come back to school to become a nurse, I knew it was inevitable that I would need to take English Composition 1102. I've dreaded it since I took ENC 1101 back in '99. It was a well-known fact to my friends and family that I LOATHED writing. I was dreading this class so much that I saved it for my very last course to take before I received my AA. I actually considered just doing my ASN because I wouldn't have to take ENC 1102. That's how much I was not wanting to take this course.
My Lucky Break:
So,what's cool about all this delaying, you ask? Why wait, you ask? Well, it seems my stalling was for a wonderful reason. My niece, who is a lot wiser than I was at her age, is going to school for roughly the same thing. We tried to take at least one class together and up until now, it was extremely difficult to do so. Luckily,while registering for the feared ENC2 class,I asked her if she needs to take the same course. She said she did and suggested to see if your class was available..and it was! Awesome! I had  a buddy to drag with me to the nauseating ENC 1102 class. At least we had each other.
My Surprise:
So my first impression was actually not bad. I really liked you and how you approached the class. It was different and exciting. And you also seemed honest and humble,which was a major relief. Teachers can be so uptight. The topics that we covered and the layout of the class were really easy to follow. Everything was structured,timed and presented well. You even wrote in BlackBoard what was due next week which helped  any confusion that I had. And to my surprise, I really, really enjoyed your class. I'm not butt-kissing, because there is no need due to because of my current grade (my apologies for sounding snobby) but I found out that I actually ENJOY writing. Much like reading (a once learning dysfunction my mother thought I had for not wanting to read), I found out I have to be passionate about WHAT I write in order to enjoy it. I learned a lot about myself from this class. I learned that I can be quite opinionated when I write LOL. Also, I'm actually going to be starting a blog. Shocking, I know! So thank you for making this class fun. I liked the fact that we had student critiques as well. It was a good way to learn more about other styles of writing but also a good way to have a more laid-back class for that evening. I think the only feedback I have would be the journal entries and student comments on the blogs. Maybe get rid of one set or have the journals be about the opinions of their fellow students blogs. Other than that,it was great! So thank you :)

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Education Essay.


Every time I watch a documentary about our Educational System in America, it seems my faith
in hope and humanity diminishes just a little bit. If someone asks me what horror movie is the
scariest to me, I snicker in my response and say, “The scariest, most terrifying movie I have ever
seen was the movie Idiocracy.” Most people are confused in my response but to be honest, the
movie hits so close to home… especially when talking about our education system here in
America.  While watching "Waiting for Superman", my fears of America turning into this bestial,
obtuse society are starting to come true. I hear everyday from someone attached to the
education system, whether it be a teacher, student, principal etc, that the "system is broken". It
seems that they're not wrong. Despite countless efforts to change our educational system, I
was shocked at how bad things actually are. I now feel angry at our education system because
we need to change this. It’s petrifying to say the least.

 Just the other day, while I was playing an online, shoot em up video game, a kid said, “You got
died" instead of “you got killed". While my mouth dropped open while disgust played over my
face, I was speechless and almost felt chafed. I was beyond myself in disbelief that this kid, who
sounded around 15, had no better grammar than a four-year old. This had to change. While
researching statistics, I found out why. According to Students First, reading proficiency is
nothing to write home about among our middle school and high school students. “On the 2009
NAEP Reading Test, about 26 percent of eighth graders and 27 percent of twelfth graders
scored below the "basic" level, and only 32 percent of eighth graders and 38 percent of twelfth
graders are at or above grade level.” (StudentsFirst)  Take a moment for that to sink in a bit.
You might need to re-read the statistic again because God knows I did. We are not even near
50% of all eighth and twelfth graders who are at the basic level in reading. It’s no wonder we’re
getting closer to that Idiocracy fear of mine. If we can’t even read at a basic level, it’s going to
take a miracle to teach, train and inform individuals how to do basic everyday functions.

Moving on, the confidence in America is definitely one to be noted. It seems the saying
“America is #1” has been hardwired into our psyche since birth. We hear it all the time. It’s no
surprise to me that when academically tested, we’re over-confident in thinking we are the best.  
“Although America is falling behind in math, our kids are first in confidence.  American students
get terrible math scores compared to their international peers, but they think they’re great in
math—in fact, they have more confidence in their math skills than students from any other
country.” (Education) I might shock a few people in saying this and risk my accountability of
being a patriot, but WAKE UP AMERICA! WE AREN’T #1 ANYMORE! This overconfidence is
costing us million in taxes. We spend so much on education just to see so many of our kids
dropping out of school throwing that money away really. “Over one million children drop out of
school each year, costing the nation over $240 billion in lost earnings, forgone tax revenues,
and expenditures for social services.” (DictionaryProject). We need to stop glamorizing shows
like Jacksass, Nitro Circus, and/or Dumbest Stuff on Wheels because it teaches kids that this
behavior is ok. Before I open that can of worms and risk changing subjects, I’ll move on.

Now, I’m not going to fill your brain up with overwhelming facts of impeding doom. There are
some worthy and notable advocates that are helping our educational system implement
positive change.  Some individuals are starting to get the right thought-pattern and waking up
to the idea we might be doing it all wrong.  White knights like Michelle Rhee, who are strong-
willed, courageous and innovative on how to bring forth some of those changes. Sheis a
change agent who had already transformed many urban public school systems through her
work with The New Teacher Project (TNTP) which she founded in 1997, and is now a nationally
recognized leader in understanding and developing innovative solutions to the challenges of
new teacher hiring.” (NCTQ) It takes some strength to stand up to the big bosses of our
government and to ‘the system’. I commend her work and hope others will copy her
courageousness and stand up for what needs to be done.

With hat being said, in the end, my fears matter. Every single human being living and breathing
in this country should be worried about our education system.  We need to get our heads out of
this conceited way of thinking that we’re number one because, clearly we’re not anymore.
Be afraid people. Despite the best efforts of amazing teachers and educational advocates, we’re
still declining and moving closer to watering our plants with mountain dew-like substance
instead of water, like the movie.  God help us. 

Monday, April 15, 2013

Journal Entry for "Waiting for Superman"

Every time I watch a documentary in English 1102, it seems my faith in humanity diminishes just a little bit. While watching "Waiting For Superman", my fears have come true. I hear everyday from someone attached to the education system, whether it be a teacher,student, principal etc, that the "system is broken". It seems that they're not wrong. I was shocked at how bad things actually are even though I already knew how they were, if that makes sense. The two things that struck the most punch was the fact that U.S was ranked 23 out of 29 developed countries in regards to math/reading and when asked how we (meaning U.S students) ranked, we thought we were number 1. It just shows exactly how OVER-confident we are as a country. I know I might be messing with patriotism when I say this but WAKE UP AMERICA, WE'RE NOT NUMBER ONE! The actual fear of people shunning me for saying this is prevalent because the belief that America is number one is bred into us from birth lol.
The other thing that stood out from this documentary was the belief that bad neighborhoods do not produce bad kids, it's the other way around. That makes complete sense! I now feel angry at our education system because we need to change this. Just the other day, while I was playing a online video game, a kid said,"you got died" instead of  "you got killed" (keep in mind I was laying a shooting video game). I was indeed speechless as how do I respond to that?? I was beyond myself in disbelief that this kid,who sounded around 15, had no better grammar than a four-year old. This had to change.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

I am Woman, Hear me Roar!- Essay

                                                    I am Woman, Hear me Roar!

It shouldn't be a surprise to you that I am amazing. It’s not because I am just a woman, but because I am a woman who knows better. What does that mean exactly? Well, it means awareness…awareness of how women are portrayed in the eye of your fellow male equivalents, the fashion world and even media and knowing that boys will be boys. What can we do about that? Do we adhere to their set of standards or make our own? I mean, we’re all individuals and are independent, right? Now, I’m not going to ramble on [much] about the countless acts of repression that we women have gone through, but I’m simply here to try to enlighten you that we have come a long way and we should be proud of that. We need to become aware of the success of our struggle(s), and instead of playing the part of the “Victim”, we should play the part of the “Achiever”.

I know what you’re thinking…Man, she’s an uber-femi crazy lady!  No, I’m not in the least bit like that. You’re not going to see me burning my bra and bashing men all around me; I’m not a revolutionist. I’m just a lover who was raised to be a compassionate independent woman and do things for myself. I was surrounded by amazing female strength and love by my mother and sisters. Because my father died unexpectedly when I was really young, I grew up watching all the struggles one would see when a man is no longer in the picture.  I became aware early on that it isn’t easy being a female in a “man’s world”. 
 Case in point: My mother was a doctor in the late 80’s until the early 2000’s. At that time, the percentage of physicians that was female ranged from 7%-24% (paraphrased-MedScape). My mother was the only female physician at her office and she knew how to play the game. I remember a day in particular...it was a Superbowl Sunday. I remember questioning her as to why someone who doesn't like football was watching a football game.  She told me that all the men at her office would always gather around and talk sports with each other and never include her because she was unfamiliar with sports. She then said that she’ll be damned if they don’t include her next time. I must have been around ten, but that sure made an impact on me. My mother wasn't going to miss out on possible career-advancing scenarios just because she wasn't in a huddle of conversation with the boys.

Moving on, unless you’re living under a rock, I’m pretty sure that you’re aware of the problem with fashion and moreover, the media and how they portray women in an unhealthy way. Looking through magazines, watching the news or seeing movies, you see women portrayed in an unrealistic sort of manner and always beautiful. The consumer is made to believe that this is how you, a woman, is supposed to look. For someone that works in the fashion industry, I believe I might be a bit more aware of what really goes on (makeup, Photoshop or what-not) but there are many positive attributes happening as well. There are a few women who are aware of the expectations and are doing something about it. For example, Katie Willcox, a plus-size model, founded the movement and platform called “Healthy is the New Skinny (HNS)”.  She was aware of the standard of beauty the industry displays and knew that you can’t change the fact that consumers are attracted to pretty things. You can't change that simple fact. She started the HNS movement for women to get information and support that leads to the evolution of each individuals mind, body, and spirit.  The media defines women and beauty in a very narrow way, which has contributed to women hating their bodies and themselves.  You are the most beautiful when you are happy and healthy” (HNS Web). This movement is astonishing because it encourages love, healthiness and happiness. Katie has founded Natural Model Management (http://naturalmodelsla.com/) which includes models who are not your stereo-typical size 0 models. There are models of all sizes that are used in countless ads across the world. Hopefully, in her efforts, a little girl won’t starve herself in order to achieve size 0 status.

On the contrary, there are plenty of women who set back the advances of what women,like Katie, have done. They are either unaware of their actions or simply don’t care. Money and fame are big contributors as to why a woman would subject herself to a reality show about “bad girls” or catty, back-stabbing housewives. And the horror of it is, a lot of our younger females are watching these shows and getting the impression that this behavior is acceptable in society. “Girls today are bombarded with media – reality TV and otherwise – that more frequently portrays girls and women in competition with one another rather than in support or collaboration. This perpetuates a ‘mean-girl’ stereotype and normalizes this behavior among girls.” (Womenology). I hardly believe that these ‘bad girls’ are proud of themselves and think that they are doing well in aspect of positive female image in our society. They definitely don’t set a good example for others.

What’s wonderful is despite the setbacks of some of these women, we can achieve so much when we’re given so little.  We’re aware of the issues at hand and some of us are here to do something about it. YOU are amazing. Every woman is amazing. Beauty is perceptual and really cannot be defined specifically.  We just need to become aware and focus on our choices. Women are strength and love and have the ability to change and impact so many. We can achieve magnificent things.  You may say it’s a man’s world but to a lot of women, we believe it’s really OUR world. Here us roar!

Just like with all the other controversial documentaries and videos that we watch in this class, I still have major trouble trying to differentiate between the multitude of emotions I feel when watching them. I never know where to begin and after watching MissRepresentaion, I'm left with so many ideas running through my head. What matters most to me? What's easiest to write about? How do I truly feel about the topic? What will be my compare and contrast be? Probably the most shocking to learn about was the amount of media that allows bashing and slander of women in their broadcasts (i.e talking about Hilary Clinton and pms'ing in the White House). I can't believe people watch this garbage but, who am I kidding, humanity is depressing these days anyways;I really shouldn't be shocked. Everything else, I believe women know or should know about.You're a woman in the 21st century, things are completely different than the way they used to be. It just takes an observing eye to see these things and become aware and it's your choice to act or not act upon it.