After viewing the dumpster-diving documentary "Dive", I was kind of numb in my response. These type of films are aimed to encourage and 'wake up' the viewer but I just felt emotionless. You see,I already am aware of the major waste problem we have in America. I wasn't aware of the facts per se, but I knew it was an issue. With all the problems we face today,especially in america when it comes to consumption,hearing how much we waste just pushed me into the "I have no idea what to do" stage. I believe society would have to change as a whole to even make a dent in this problem. The amount of people who simply don't care outweighs the people that do. And that is just overwhelmingly exhausting to the people that do care. For example,the other day, my husband was mentioning his work and how he was down in Ponte Vedra,a wealthier beach neighborhood. It must have been trash day because he came across a house that had a bunch of garbage at the end of their driveway. He saw tons of good items in this garbage, especially what seemed to be a brand new vacuum cleaner. Upon viewing the vacuum cleaner, the owner of the house came out and said she only used it once. Since the bag was full, she decided to throw out the (once) used vacuum cleaner and get a new one.
This story just blew my mind. I mean, really?? A perfect example of how wasteful one can be and how lazy, unconcerned, unaware that this woman is. She should donate it! grrrr!
wow...throwing away a vacuum because you don't want to chang the bag...